Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sidecar Sunday

Another of the Classic MotorCycle postcard series.
 I have no idea what is going on, but I don't see Captain Doakes anywhere.


  1. Early twenties, hm. I wonder if that demure glimpse of haunch was meant to stir the viewer's loins, like the pneumatic leatherwomen of the seventies were. "Damn, that cardigan is hot stuff!" "I wonder what she looks like under that cloche!"

    Oops, I called the seventies models "women." I meant "vixens," of course.

  2. Understood. Vixens or possibly "chicks".
    Back in the twenties, I understand the word flapperbracket was a common term for a motorcycle passenger seat.

  3. Ew! (Oops, I meant "Haw haw.") Apropos of not much of anything, when I was a kid I rode a rigid-framed bike with a little Bates pillion pad for passenger accommodations. A friend endured a ride on the thing and later said it had felt like a combination pudendal block and spinal tap (she was a med student).

  4. Plus ça change... Girls, chicks, vixens, wimmin...
    Is nobody intrigued by the rifle ?

  5. I didn't see that rifle! Maybe they're doing a little winter bunny hunting. Another picture that doesn't make much sense:-)
