Friday, August 27, 2021

One of my vices is vises, Sargent & Co Saw Vice

That is a heck of a saw clamped in place ready for sharpening! I like vices but have never been tempted by the saw sharpening vices. Sure, they're nice examples of cast iron or steel, but I really can't picture myself learning to sharpen a hand saw and I can't figure out another use for them. Even this article isn't going to persuade me... 

Thanks, Reg!



  1. Timely. I just sharpened one of my handsaws yesterday but, cheapskate that I am, I use the two-boards-clamped-in-a-bench-vise plan. I have an honest-to-goodness saw vise but it's too short for most uses. I've assumed they're mostly designed and aimed at a carpenter who needs a portable vise to sharpen his saw in the middle of the workday, not in the comfort of his home shop.

  2. Yes we forget that saws needed constant attention and care to work their best. these days, skil saw, or reciprocating saw, just replace the blade, next!
