Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sidecar Sunday

Not quite sure what that means...



  1. It means that we'll put up with the lousy handling, poor performance and crappy fuel mileage of driving a sidecar rig just so we can endure sore shoulders and hands, stinging rain and scorching sun while carrying one more passenger. But at least we're not stuck inside a car!

  2. A dandy good place to keep your pipe and humidor!And matches,and reamer,etc.

  3. It was a time when cyclists were adding a lot of bling to their rides and to themselves, and I think the writer is saying (complaining about?) that a pretty girl in a sidecar is another bit of bling.

    I read that in a rambling blog post featuring that cartoon; I think that's what the blogger meant.

  4. Thanks, Dave; it's almost comprehensible now. Altho I interpret the fella's intentions as getting the girl by adding the car.

    The ideal of male beauty has changed over the century between that ad and now, but male models still tend to look like twits. (At least he's not pouting.)

    James rats

  5. I reshuffled that sentence in various ways until I think I have; "Critics of the sidecar ignore the psychology of the motorcyclist".
    I guess meaning basically what Joe said. "Despite the sidecar, we're still motorcyclists- not stuck inside a car"
    Love the olde English:-)
