Sunday, August 21, 2022

Sidecar Sunday

 I can't even imagine...


  1. I hope the guy in the sidecar falls out and gets his mouth stuffed full of dirt and rocks while the other two go end over end as the bike tumbles and cartwheels bending and denting all the parts then catches on fire.

  2. "Seconds later, Fritz brought the fifty-pound wheel down upon Georg's noggin with a memorable :SKWUNCH:. Hans, preoccupied with the sidecar's odd acoustics as he practiced his inverted yodeling, was entirely unprepared for the ensuing crash."

  3. Marshall Overcloth gets a gold star, if he'll accept one from the likes of me. I hope all of the things he hopes, but he* hoped them first.

    * Mr. G., is it time you started asking your kibitzers to state their preferred pronouns? My own are "he/her/them/it," respectively and according to time of day.

  4. No, Rats. it is not. It's not my fault that the English language does not have a gender-neutral third-person singular personal pronoun, nor is it Progress-is-fines job to come up with one, or alternatives, or new words but your, or our, or their suggestions are always welcome:-).
