Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Supercharged DKW, 1934

 Piston supercharged 1934 350cc Twingle two stroke DKW racer. Above, partially disassembled, showing attachment of supercharging piston. 

Intake is two piston ported Amals, one on each side with twin exhaust ports. Previous post.


  1. That's the weirdest two stroke I have ever seen! I see they packed the crank for more compression as well. We used to use cork and epoxy.

  2. I've never thought very hard about these before. It's one of those "That's interesting, I'll have to learn more about it some day" subjects. Looking at it now I realize there was nothing too complicated about it: the supercharging piston just varied the volume of the crankcase. Bigger on intake, smaller during transfer - brilliantly simple!
    Thank you for bringing this up today for me finally.

  3. Yes seemed complicated to me (and a little bit unworkable) to me at first. Diagram and link to previous post added.
