Monday, October 10, 2022

Monday Mystery. Specialty Wrench

This has the look of a large wrench for adjusting some specific machinery with possibly a tapered lineup tool for a handle. I say lineup tool as it doesn’t seem to have been used as a punch. Any guesses? 
Below are the only markings, A in a triangle, CH and 225.



  1. looks to me like an iron workers spud wrench that was "customized" with the tight bend on the wrench end

  2. Yep; Armstrong Bros. brand.

  3. id they use the A in a triangle?
    (scroll down to spud wrench). Whoever put that bend in the wrench was skilled, no signs of distortion at all!

  4. It's an old mark that they apparently didn't use for too long. Here's that 225 wrench in the catalog; you can see the mark on the wrenches and also in the top banner of each catalog page:

    I suspect the wrench may have been bent like that so it could be hung from a hammer loop.
