Monday, April 24, 2023

Monday Mystery #2 Obscure metal devices

These items were found in the basement of an old Eastern Ontario house, jammed into a ceiling beam near an old fireplace. Despite their differences they both have a pivoting spike and look like they might have a similar use. I have a sense they may be some sort of old window hardware, though I can't imagine how they would be used. Thoughts?



  1. I'm pretty sure they are from an old pre-electric bell system. Imagine the spike fixed in the wall and a wire attached to each end of the arc. It would then allow a pull to turn a corner.

  2. I love the call-bell idea. I weas thinking parts from an old cable-operated chimney plug mechanism, even more so if the particular chimney has been sealed?

  3. A bell crank of some kind. The spike allows for relocation.

  4. And here they are, on page 170:

    I believe the "spike" is intended to go into a mortar joint.

    Thanks guys; I learned something today.

  5. Once again, gotta hand it to ya, Dave! Different types of pre-electricity devices... Wireless door bells, wireless ceiling fans...

  6. Thank you all! Especially to Dave. The homeowner will be delighted. I plan to send the link to a writer of historical fiction I know and will definitely bookmark the link for future use.

  7. WOW! So thankful for this conclusion! Now I know why there are holes in each room & each floor. Must be older house construction otherwise system would be hidden in the walls! 1700's to 1830...only used in aristocratic homes!
