Friday, May 26, 2023

Another job you probably wouldn't want to do, locomotive polisher

A team of workers polish up the Pacific class engine of the Flying Scotsman, a neverending chore.


  1. Yes, but that is a really beautiful engine. Saw it once on a tour. Smaller than you would think. Much of it was painted green. Just lovely. Most steam engines are brutes and rightly so. The Flying Scotsman was pure grace.

  2. My own Flying Scotsman story goes back to when I was a kid north of Kingston, Ontario. We lived beside the CN line between SmithsFalls and Napanee. I watched the trains that went by usually short freight trains behind a GP9 or similar. One day I hear a strange far off pee-Eeeep sound, then again as it hit the familiar road crossings. I knew it was something railway-related, so I started running towards the crossing- then out from behind the trees, in a cloud of steam there was a British steam train. The engineer waved as I watched it go by trying to make sense of the apparition.
    Apparently the Flying Scotsman was making a North American tour. Blew me away.

  3. That particular locomotive's name was "Gainsborough" (named after a racehorse).
