Friday, May 17, 2024

More Rocket III

After BSA introduced the Rocket 3 with its marketing promise of big speed, they followed it up with an extensive racing program. The team sent seven bikes to Daytona in 1970 and Gene Romero was clocked at 165.44 mph through the speed traps though Dick Mann won the race on a CB750. For 1971, Dick Mann won again, this time on a BSA Rocket 3. At Ontario in the fall John Cooper won the race and then almost lost the bike on a claiming rule. Probably the most successful BSA racing program ever. 

In the picture above, Paul Smart sits on the racer built for  the 1971 Daytona 1971. He is surrounded by (left to right) by chief mechanic Les Williams, designer Doug Hele, executive Mike Nedham and fitters Jack Shemans, Bill Fannon, and Fred Swift. Below Ontario winner John Cooper on the left stays close to the bike as the claiming rule business is sorted out. 

Classic Bike Autumn 1978

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