Friday, May 10, 2024

North Star Oil

   Here's a very plain gallon oil can, apparently the same can was used for all products, with the contents rubber-stamped on the label (look closely to avoid mistakes). 

   History from Jim's Vintage Garages...

1919 - June 23rd North Star Oil began operations in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  The company purchased assets of Continental Oil  and operated service stations around Manitoba.

1928 - Rebranded as North Star Oil Ltd.

1938 - Purchased Falcon Oil, Prairie City Oil and brand names Buffalo and Electro.

1950 - Fred C. Manning becomes new owner.

1955 - St. Boniface refinery built, producing 2500 barrels per day.

1958 - Fred C. Manning dies.

1962 - Company purchased by Shell, who renames the company to North Star Oil Division of Shell Oil Co. of Canada Ltd. and offices are moved to Toronto, Ont.


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