Saturday, October 5, 2024

Paris- Bordeaux race 1895

Above a Roger-Benz (#12) and Emile Levasseur in his Panhard et Levasseur at the start of the 1989 Paris-Bordeaux race. 22 cars started the 732 mile race, only 9 finished. Emile Levasseur finished first but did not win the race as the rules specified a 4 seater, his was only two. Below, the Comte de Chasseloup-Laubat in his Dion-Bouton steam brake starts the race. Unfortunately a drive shaft broke, and he did not finish. 
The lack of safety measures at this event is appalling, the bystanders would be in grave danger as the cars raced off, but one wonders if the bicycles below are outpacing the car. 


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