Friday, July 4, 2014

Data processing 1966

Oliver E. Byrd.  Health.  Fourth Edition.  W.B. Saunders Co., 1966.

Look at the lower right end of the console.  How come modern computers don't come with panic buttons?


Canajun said...

LOL. I could use one about 3 times a day!

Steve said...

It's probably wired to a buzzer in the I.T. department. A team of computer scientists then show up to analyze and correct the problem.
Nowadays, I usually just ask any 12 year old kid why it doesn't work or what happened. I then endure the rolling eyes and snickers as they get me going again in about 5 seconds with a couple of clicks in the right places.

Graham Clayton said...

Is that an abacus just visible on the right hand side?

Mister G said...

Right beside the panic button!