Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Sikorsky Ilya Mouromets

 The Ilya Mouromets was an early giant, with a 97 foot wingspan and 4 engines, It first flew in 1913, this early flight had a roped off area on the fuselage for people to walk about.  It was built as a luxurious airliner with space for a record 16 passengers in an insulated cabin and even had a washroom. In February of  1914 the second prototype made a long distance flight from St Petersburg to Kiev and back. Regular passenger service was being considered when WW1 broke out. The aircraft was converted to a bomber and 85 were built. It was by far the most advanced airplane in the world and during the early years of the war nothing could touch it.
After the war they continued to be built (converted back to passenger spec) but all were retired by 1922.. 

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