Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sidecar Sunday

 Mr. Hugo D. Young made a flexibly mounted sidecar in 1912 for his own use. A traveling salesman friend suggested he obtain a patent. Seeing commercial possibilities, he suggested manufacturing the device. That patent inspired the "knee-action" design found in later automobile suspension systems Carl F. Dudle joined Young in 1913 as a partner in the resultant Flxible Side Car Company. Patent disclosure dictated the unusual spelling. The company was incorporated in 1924. More here.



rats said...

Seems like a sure thing that there's a corporate connection to Flxible passenger buses. They're medium-ubiquitous in U.S. cities.

Mister G said...

Yes, by the 30s buses, ambulances etc. had taken over as the company's main focus. I've always liked the shortened name and the logo, another one for T shirts.