Friday, September 13, 2024

Torpedo boat USS Alarm

The USS Alarm was built at the Brooklyn Navy Yard and launched in 1873, an attempt by the Navy to introduce experimental new technology to the military. Times were changing, newfangled steam power was being accepted as well as breech loading guns. The Alarm was to be a fast sleek Torpedo boat, and featured a 24 foot long ramming bow. The torpedos were attached to extending spars at the bow. An attack would consist of the torpedo boat ramming an enemy ship while extending explosives on spars towards the ship. There was a single forward firing 15 inch Dahlgren gun to increase the firepower. Provisions for filling the hull with water to decrease its silhouette were also tried. 

Instead of paddle wheels or propellers, the ship was fitted with a new design "Fowler Wheel" which was a vertical shaft with 4 paddles attached. The paddles were feathered by a cam till they approached the starboard where the paddle wheel extended to provide forward motion. It was not successful, it was very inefficient and the boat never achieved the speed anticipated. There were additional modifications tried but the boat was reduced to a gunnery training vessel, probably never used and scrapped in 1898. Pretty sure this was an exercise in deadends. More here.

Also here.


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