Nasty cold day today, so I decided it would be a good time to stay inside and make a new handle for the splitting axe.. I started making handles when ones I bought failed to last more than a dozen swats... this should last for a few cords of wood at least... and it gives me the chance to play with a spoke shave...
And you have some kindling to start your fire with.
Yes, its a fairly wasteful process with lots of waste wood, but the top half of the ash or hickory was already cut up for firewood, so everything gets used!
What is your header reference to Ogden Nash about?
Good question. It was simply a comment I liked the sound and spirit of. I interpret it as we strive for improvements in everything we make and do but maybe we were too successful. For example, I love motorcycles but I don't find any of the modern ones appealing. Same with cars. But we can't stop, can we? That's all.
Ah now that I goggle the wording I see it's almost a direct quote. Well you do a great job. I too am a man of the last century and feel 1975 was about peak year. Bought my Norton then, still have it. For my father anything developed after about 1940 was a waste...
I see a Japanese higonokami knife just above the spokeshave. Those have old style blades, with softer steel wrapped around the harder (and sharper) high-carbon steel, which has the edge that cuts.
Oh, and they are not fixed open; you have to hold your thumb on a lever that's part of the blade to keep it open. I have one, but I'm always leery of cutting myself with it.
Yes, I got that one from Lee Valley some years ago. It's sharp, and is a good occasional knife, but as you said the unfixed blade is an issue.
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