Sunday, August 18, 2024

Tatools wrenches

 These look like fairly mediocre quality tools, made in Taiwan. A thread on Garage Journal suggests they're actually Thorson after they went offshore for their production.


Dave said...

When you say "Thorsen Allied Tools" it sounds a lot higher quality than when you say Tatools."

Mister G said...

Googling "Tatools" brings up a whole different industry. If I was the owner I might have just used T.A.T. as the tool name. They must not have sold many, they don't turn up often.

kangarew73 said...

Thorsen brand tools are the only American brand tool, when they were, that I throw into the reject pile with all the Asian tools I end up after buying lots and picking out the goodies. So Thorsen or Thorsen Allied Tools (TAT) either way go to the crap pile.