Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Trident for 1972

 Still trickling out of the factory, with your choice of 4 or 5 speed transmission, and still no electric start or disc brake... The T150 continued till 1974, when it acquired electric starting, a disc brake and became the T160.


rats said...

Still with that shamefully awful front brake, which wasn't really up to the job of stopping a Bonneville (c. 100lbs. lighter).

Kind of mildly interesting that a 750 is almost a learner displacement nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Even a 500 was a man’s bike, now it’s definitely just a starter bike. Of course, cars used to be 1200cc:-)

Mister G said...

I've always had Japanese bikes but have a certain fascination with the British last-gasp bikes (and triples). I may have to own one:-)