Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Cimatti XR100 Tracker

 From a 1968 Buyers Guide; I wonder if any of these were actually built and sold. 


Anonymous said...


Mister G said...

I'd like to see one in the flesh, all matalflake, i9ncluding the seat!


I'm glad you posted this bike then going to the link from Anonymous. it rejuvenated my recreational enthusiasm. so I saved the color pic and will gaze upon it while enjoying.

rats said...

Wull I'll be. I was sure someone had tossed together a learner-level field bike for a kid, using a revivified Cimatti street bikelet and a few objects from his accumulation of old chopper doodads. Thanks for the link, Anonymous. And thanks especially for the opportunity to feast my eyes on that sales copy. A soaring, ennobling specimen of hackage; "Jumping Host Stuff" in its own right.

Mister G said...

If you owned one back in the day, you could race against this one. https://progress-is-fine.blogspot.com/2015/06/1969-indian-boy-racer.html


that Indian bike is in the same category of small stylish bikes. Ithe seat, side panels AND the front number plate, the front fender and the forks and I love it. I need it to refurbish and include some improvements like metal flake and wide white wall tires and upholstery in brown DARK red and silver metal flake. chrome the frame and forks. you know the thing. make a better pipe maybe a low pipe with upswept muffler like a Honda XR74 but not. do some things. DO NOT TOUCH sign taped to the front number plate. park it on a beautiful carpet rug at the bike show. metal flake flames on the tank. "did he say www tires?" yes, I believe he did.