Saturday, September 5, 2015

Dazey Churn & Manufacturing Company, St. Louis, Missouri

Seen at a local agricultural fair.

In Dallas, Texas at the beginning of the last century, E.B. Jones developed a small glass churn for home use.  An enterprising businessman, Nathan Dazy, took over controlling interest of the firm in 1904.  About two years later he moved the company to St. Louis, perhaps to take advantage of the better transportation network in that city.  The company became the Dazey Churn & Manufacturing Company, producing other kitchen products like can openers and knife sharpeners.  The Great Depression put a serious crimp in the business, which responded by diversifying its product line.  The Second World War saw the Dazey company making 20 mm ammunition, returning to peacetime production with a variety of offerings, including massagers, a hot shaving lather  dispenser, and even a hair dryer with built-in speakers.  The company was purchased by an investment group in 1947 and disappeared shortly thereafter.

For more information, read Dazey Butter Churn of St. Louis.

Good Housekeeping, 1936:

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