Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Harris Metal & The Canada Metal Company

Ah, to have one's visage forever commemorated in lead!

This is an ingot of babbit metal. 

Canadian Machinery, 1921
In 1886, W.G. Harris opened a scrap metal business in London, Ontario.  Harris Steel went on to become Canada's fifth largest steel maker, operating 45 plants in Canada and the U.S.  In 2013, it was sold to the Nucor Corporation of North Carolina, North America's second largest steel maker.

For a peculiarly-posed picture of the company's Toronto location, visit Artefacts Canada. Unfortunately the link is dead, trying to find a replacement.


Mere said...
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Mere said...

I have one of those units!

Unknown said...

I also have one of those units in perfect shape .Toronto is not on this one could it be older.

Ed Bernacki said...

I have one of the large Harris Metal....not sure what they called. My grandfather got it at some point. It was always in the house. I have it now. I wish I knew how old it was.

Mister G said...

I would suspect about a hundred years? Babbitting had largely been phased out by the mid 40s

Abelardo saldaña gonzalez said...

Tengo en estos momentos una de esas monedas en colombaia cuanto puede valer esa moneda en estos momentos

Unknown said...

My husband just cleaned out his grandparents garage and found 9 of them

Renaud Bouchard said...

J’ai l’exemplaire 356, a vendre

Anonymous said...

I found 2 in My garage!

Mister G said...

Time to get into the babbitt business!

Anonymous said...

Are these worth any thing? I have one as well.