The huge flat belt on the right is pretty impressive by itself. It was likely designed to be powered by an even more monstous lineshaft system, though I don't think that's the case by the time of this photo.
It must be a brand new machine, as the Rouge Rover plant became operational about that time. Maybe the motor is on that platform, the belt angle converges just outside the picture. That machine must have been assembled on the spot.
it would be a major ordeal to assemble and/disassemble that GIANT machine.
The huge flat belt on the right is pretty impressive by itself. It was likely designed to be powered by an even more monstous lineshaft system, though I don't think that's the case by the time of this photo.
It must be a brand new machine, as the Rouge Rover plant became operational about that time. Maybe the motor is on that platform, the belt angle converges just outside the picture. That machine must have been assembled on the spot.
Compare to this previous post (and the comments are interesting).
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