Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wrenches made in the USSR: Pavlovsky Instrumental Plant

Above, a USSR-made metric wrench of a pattern more often seen on German-made wrenches.  I very seldom encounter tools made in the former Soviet Union.  Interesting trademark.

Below, the same trademark on a more North American looking wrench:

Below, a box-end wrench with the same logo:

Below, a larger metric box-end wrench with an unusual, asymmetric crank:

Thanks to the visitor who left the comments below identifying the company that made these tools!


Anonymous said...

The sign, that these wrenches are marked with, belonged to the "Pavlovsky Instrumental Plant" placed in town Pavlovsk, Nizhniy Novgorod region. The plant was given this sign in 1971.
The plant story began in 1842, when Mikhail Terebin started in Palovo a small workshop producing kitchen knives. The workshop grew in a plant. In 1908, two sons of Mikhail Terebin (their names - Vasily and Alexey) founded a Trade House "Terebin & Sons", that turned out very prosperous and soon they had some branches in neighbouring towns.
After The October Revolution (1917), Vasily lost his famous plant (Alexey had died before that year), for it was nationalised and became state owned enterprise in 1918. Thereafter, the plant saw some new names - initially "The Plant named after worker Marasanov" (1918 - 1929), and subsequently - "Pavlovsky Instrumental Plant" (1929 - 1971), Locksmith-Mounting Instrument Plant (1971 - 2011)
Now, again, it is known as "Pavlovsky Instrumental Plant", tools production goes on.

Anonymous said...

One more detail, as to the tool mark, depicted in the third picture. The photo schould be turned 90 degrees counterclockwise to give you the correct image of how the mark looked like. "П" - is a cyrillic letter, that the town name Павловск (Pavlovsk) begins with.

The Duke said...

Many thanks for this information! Extremely helpful. It's especially great when visitors such as yourself help us out with these tool histories.

Anonymous said...

7814-0221its marked on some kind of tools from that plant, what does it mean ?