Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Canadian Climber

Seeing this structure at a local school yesterday took me back to my public school days when during one gym class the teacher proudly folded this new apparatus out 90 degrees from the wall to reveal various climbing and gymnastic possibilities. I learned to climb a rope on it but really can't remember gym classes using it that much.
This one is only a single bay (two frames), the ones I remember were three.
 The vaguely nervous principal declined to fold it out for me to relive my youth and take proper pictures, I don't know why!  
I could find no identification or manufacturers label and there is virtually nothing online about what was once a ubiquitous Ontario public school gymnasium fixture. 


Anonymous said...

They used to be in Alberta too

Anonymous said...

Was trying to explain these to my American wife who never had them I guess. Thank you for proving they did exist.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, had them in Sask

Anonymous said...

If you want some more info or picture that prove it exits as well just search up “Canadian gold away climber” and there’s an Instagram post with more pictures of these.

I was in the same boat as you, for some reason I’m the only one who Weber’s these.

Anonymous said...
