Below, German and Austrian-made wrenches that have come my way.
Apparently made in the 1950's or 60's by a company called Rheidco. It seems it was owned by Metabo, but may have been sold to Elora.

Otto, Karl and Willi, three Dowidat brothers, founded Gedore (an acronym for "GEbrüder DOwidat REmscheid") in 1919. In 1949, Willi struck out on his own, creating Dowidat. Dowidat specialized in making smaller wrenches out of better quality steel. Usually not chromed, but blued or blackened with phosphate like handguns. Eventually, it merged with Belzer to form Belzer-Dowidat before being acquired by Bahco in 1988. The Dowidat name disappeared, replaced by Bahco-Belzer.

Elora Werkzeugfabrik GmbH
Elora was founded in 1924 by Erich Rauch in Luttringhausen near Remscheid. He started making Stillson wrenches in the basement of his parents' house. He built his own factory 4 years later. By 1955, the company had grown to 133 employees. They currently have 7500 tools in their catalogue.

Update Oct. 2024; I just picked this Elora 19 mm wrench (below) up at a junk store, they don't appear often- especially when I found one on Amazon for $205!!!!
In 1919, three brothers started a tiny forge to make adjustable wrenches and other tools. They decide to call their company GEDORE, an acronym based on the name GEbrüder (brothers) DOwidat REmscheid. The forge soon becomes too small, and in 1926 GEDORE moved into new premises in Remscheid Lüttringhausen – still the family company's main base today. In 1961, in a joint venture with an Indian company, Gedore India was founded. In 2012 the GEDORE group of companies became a holding company.

Hazet GbmH & Co. KG
Founded in 1868, Hazet takes its name from its founder, "H" (HA) Hermann "Z" (Zet) Zerver. The original plant was built in Remscheid-Vieringhausen. The factory suffered heavy damage during World War II but it successfully rebuilt and is now under 5th-generation family control.
Heyco GmbH & Co.
The company was founded in 1937 by brothers Max and Ernst Heynen, initially as a maker of hand tools for automobile service and other applications. Heyco manufactures tools used in many European automobile tool kits, such as those found in Volkswagens, Opels, Fords, Volvos, BMWs, Mercedes Benzs, Rovers, Land Rovers and Rolls Royces.
I can find no information on this brand online.

Stahlwille was founded in 1862 by by Eduard Wille at Wuppertal-Cronenberg to make pokers and fire tongs. The factory was destroyed during World War II but was able to rebuild after the war. Today it is a joint stock company with shares all owned by the family, similar to a German “Aktiengesellschaft” (AG.) Management is by independent experts not related to the family.

It seems Stecoge was a brand name employed by Werkzeugfabrik Steinbach & Co. The only article I could locate online seems to say (I don't speak German) that the plant was demolished in 1983.

I can find very little information on this firm. The manufacturer may have been Kurt von Stein, beginning in 1920. The brand name was deleted in 2001.
Metal working in the Stubai Valley in Austria dates back to the 14th Century, followed by a proliferation of independent blacksmiths. The Stubai trading companies started way back in 1680 when goods began to be transported on carter wagons. In 1742, the Volderaruer trading house was founded. In 1897, Stubai became a cooperative. The company soldiered on through both world wars. In 1960, the name was changed to Stubai tool industry reg.Gen.m.b.H.“ Stubai wrenches wrenches were issued in many motorcycle kits , including Penton, Puch and Bombadier . In 1996, the firm built the most modern heat treatment factory for hardening in western Austria.. The company name changed to Stubai KSHB (Kompetenzzentrum Schmieden Härten Bearbeiten--"Centre of Competence for Forging, Hardening and Machining") GmbH in 2007, and then to Stubai ZMV (Zentral Mitgliederverwaltung--"Central Members' Association") GmbH in 2012. Today tubai is the largest tool maker in Austria.
The company has operated in Wuppertal since 1919 and is still going strong.
You can see new Carl Walter, Elora, Gedore, Hazet, and Stahlwille
tools on our web site. If not in stock, we can special order almost any
of these German tools.
Please call 9810072313
Heyco wrenches were part of the 1970s BMW motorcycle tool kit. They are excellent tools.
The Walter Wekzeug advertisement (on the right) says "He can do it with Walter!"
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