Monday, October 7, 2024

Hiawatha Super Domes

 The Milwaukee Road introduced their full length dome cars to their streamliners in 1952, giving their dwindling passengers a good view in the mountains of Washington (and perhaps not quite so scenic views across North Dakota and Montana...) The trackside people waving to the passing train was a common advertising theme postwar. The Milwaukee Road, actual name Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad operated from 1851 till it went bankrupt in 1986.

The passengers could also enjoy an expansive view from the rear observation car.

1 comment:

rats said...

The passengers aren't waving back at the cheerful cowgirl. They're all like "Eww." That is because they are city folks, mostly, but also because a helpful Milwaukee Road brochure advised them that all cowgirls are violent and have body lice.