Thursday, June 18, 2020

Rendering Airplane interiors

We toured Boeing as part of a design school trip in 1987, this rendering was shown as an example of the type of work that was done by the design department to show the airline customer how their interior would look given their choice of colour and patterns. Not so difficult to do these days with rendering packages available to dress up a 3D model,  a lot more time consuming with coloured pencils and markers- and not so easy to change.
The drawing would start with a properly drawn perspective drawing which is then coloured in with markers, coloured pencils maybe even painting with gouache. Tedious, especially the pattern, but the front row could be colored up, photocopied a few percent smaller and then cut out and inserted behind the first row, spray-adhesived in place  and repeat, repeat, repeat.
Then, inevitably, the client would ask after a glance, "How would it look in maroon?"

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