Thursday, October 31, 2024

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Bicknell stoneworking supplies

 Bicknell was located in Rockland Maine from 1893 and supplied all sorts of tools to the coastal granite industry. Here hammers and anvils are sold by the pound. (Handles not included)

 Bicknell left Maine in 1996 and consolidated at their Elberton Georgia location. Company history here.

Granite Museum of Maine

CB350F working retail

This motorcycle confused me when it arrived on the scene, it did nothing better than the twin except look fancy with its attractive tank and four pipes- it wasn't even as fast as the twin. All these years later, they still look best completely stock. I do recognize that if the pipes are rusted (and they all did) they are impossible to find.


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

One of my vices is vises,; First US patent vice?

 It appears that first "real" vise, one with adjustable locking parallel jaws, one of which slid along a slot or track to provide work-holding is considered to have been invented in England in 1750, and apparently the first cast iron vice was made in England in 1830. (Brockhouse Heuer). 

The US patent office was established in 1802, with a complete makeover in 1836 when a new numbering system with new verification rules were introduced. Under the new numbering system, we have a contender for the first US vise patent; patent #127 granted to Linus Dean on Feb16 1837 for a vise with a spiral locking wheel which engages a rack to provide a locking action. Not the familiar screw type with the handle on the end, but pretty close.

Hydraulic upgrade...

Haberman and sons... Tumblr

No information... the maker must have had his reasons...

Monday, October 28, 2024

Monday Mystery; Over-center Clamp

I guess this is some sort of clamp for jigs or similar, no name on them that I can see, but I'm sure someone known exactly what they are.


Jhalani wrench

The name apparently means a flash of light or brilliance and is generally a girl's name in the country of origin, India. I can't imagine they were ever exported here, but...


Sunday, October 27, 2024

Saturday, October 26, 2024

French made Jewelers calipers

The internet says these are used to measure the weight of a gemstone. I would think they take a linear measurement (the scale is probably millimeters) which would then be translated into weight using a chart. 


Gloster Meteor

 This new jet-powered Meteor flew its first mission on July 27, 1944. It was one of twenty F1's built and is part of 616 Squadron, the first in the RAF to fly jet fighters. the Meteor was the only allied jet in service during WW2.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Another job you may not want to do, Stonemason

 Late 19th century. Someone designed this Ionic column and its capital, a team carved it out of granite, it was shipped by boat or by train, then these men installed it. (before safety was invented). 

We don't build things like this anymore.

Cars in a different 'hood, Camden, Maine, Bentley R Type Continental

Outta my league....


Yamaha tool kit

 This kit is probably from the 1980s and looks complete.
Thanks, Dennis!

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Spark plug, cylinder stud wrench

One wrench for all! Spark plug, battery nuts, generator nut, even cylinder studs. All can be removed with this handy wrench. The large box end is 1" hex, I expect this is an aftermarket wrench for the do-it-yourself Model T owner. 


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Lucas Silver King Kerosene Bicycle lamp

Nice object and a beautiful name plate. I wondered if it was an acetylene lamp, but internet says kerosene. I can't imagine it producing more than a warm glow.

Thanks, Kevan!


Athletic young men wanted!

$60 per hour! 

No mention online about Page's combined shows, and I'll assume Bolivar, New York. 


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Duro-chrome #98 11/32 wrench

Or maybe it's 86. Part of the Duro/ Indestro operation. Anyways, despite its name, this nice little ignition wrench is not chrome plated, possibly made during WW2?


Lincoln 1953

Lincoln trying to align itself with the new International style of architecture. The 21 story glass box Lever House was designed by Gordon Bunshaft of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill and had just opened in 1952.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday Mystery; Chinese wrench

I picked this out of a $10 bag of  cheap wrenches, went to Chinese friends for a translation, Uhhh.
 "looks like it might be the manufacturer's name, but I can't make it out"
 "the characters seem to be reversed"
 Anyways, the badly executed English letters say TJZ. All the numbers and characters appear to be hand formed. We'll file this one under the heading "low quality imported tools..."


Monday Mystery; Dashboards

 Before you use google lens to find similar images, rack your brain and memory, what motorcycle or car are these dashboards from?

Sunday, October 20, 2024

American Steel Foundries

 The company website states; The company was founded as American Steel Foundries in 1902 via the combination of eight steel foundries in the East and Midwest United States, the name was changed to Amsted Industries in 1962. At one time, Amsted dealt principally with railroad companies, producing a variety of cast-steel components. Today, the company’s product lineup includes a broad range of innovative solutions for rail, commercial vehicle, automotive, and construction applications. 

But that featured train is definitely from a previous era, much earlier than 1902...

Sidecar Sunday

Thanks, Andre!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Soup stirrer

 Another gimmicky kitchen gadget...

The original slant six

 So that's where Chrysler got the idea.

German & Austrian Wrench Makers (updated)

Below, German and Austrian-made wrenches that have come my way.


Apparently made in the 1950's or 60's by a company called Rheidco.  It seems it was owned by Metabo, but may have been sold to Elora.


Otto, Karl and Willi, three Dowidat brothers, founded Gedore (an acronym for "GEbrüder DOwidat REmscheid") in 1919. In 1949, Willi struck out on his own, creating Dowidat. Dowidat specialized in making smaller wrenches out of better quality steel. Usually not chromed, but blued or blackened with phosphate like handguns.  Eventually, it merged with Belzer to form Belzer-Dowidat before being acquired by Bahco in 1988.  The Dowidat name disappeared, replaced by Bahco-Belzer.

Elora Werkzeugfabrik GmbH

Elora was founded in 1924 by Erich Rauch in Luttringhausen near Remscheid.  He started making Stillson wrenches in the basement of his parents' house.  He built his own factory 4 years later.  By 1955, the company had grown to 133 employees.  They currently have 7500 tools in their catalogue.

Update Oct. 2024;  I just picked this Elora 19 mm wrench (below) up at a junk store, they don't appear often- especially when I found one on Amazon for $205!!!! 

Gedore Werkzeugfabrik Otto Dowidat KG

In 1919, three brothers started a tiny forge to make adjustable wrenches and other tools. They decide to call their company GEDORE, an acronym based on the name GEbrüder (brothers) DOwidat REmscheid. The forge soon becomes too small, and in 1926 GEDORE moved into new premises in Remscheid Lüttringhausen – still the family company's main base today.  In 1961, in a joint venture with an Indian company, Gedore India was founded. In 2012 the GEDORE group of companies became a holding company. 

Hazet GbmH & Co. KG

Founded in 1868, Hazet takes its name from its founder, "H" (HA) Hermann "Z" (Zet) Zerver.  The original plant was built in Remscheid-Vieringhausen.  The factory suffered heavy damage during World War II but it successfully rebuilt and is now under 5th-generation family control.

Heyco GmbH & Co.

The company was founded in 1937 by brothers Max and Ernst Heynen, initially as a maker of hand tools for automobile service and other applications. Heyco manufactures tools used in many European automobile tool kits, such as those found in Volkswagens, Opels, Fords, Volvos, BMWs, Mercedes Benzs, Rovers, Land Rovers and Rolls Royces.


I can find no information on this brand online.


Stahlwille was founded in 1862 by  by Eduard Wille at Wuppertal-Cronenberg to make pokers and fire tongs. The factory was destroyed during World War II but was able to rebuild after the war. Today it is a joint stock company with  shares all owned by the family, similar to a German “Aktiengesellschaft” (AG.) Management is by independent experts not related to the family.


It seems Stecoge was a brand name employed by Werkzeugfabrik Steinbach & Co. The only article I could locate online seems to say (I don't speak German) that the plant was demolished in 1983.


I can find very little information on this firm.  The manufacturer may have been Kurt von Stein, beginning in 1920.  The brand name was deleted in 2001.

Metal working in the Stubai Valley in Austria dates back to the 14th Century, followed by a proliferation of independent blacksmiths. The Stubai trading companies started way back in 1680 when goods began to be transported on carter wagons.  In 1742, the Volderaruer trading house was founded.  In 1897, Stubai became a cooperative. The company soldiered on through both world wars. In 1960, the name was changed to Stubai tool industry reg.Gen.m.b.H.“  Stubai wrenches wrenches were issued in many motorcycle kits , including Penton, Puch and Bombadier . In 1996, the firm built  the most modern heat treatment factory for hardening in western Austria.. The company name changed to Stubai KSHB (Kompetenzzentrum Schmieden Härten Bearbeiten--"Centre of Competence for Forging, Hardening and Machining") GmbH in 2007, and then to Stubai ZMV (Zentral Mitgliederverwaltung--"Central Members' Association") GmbH in 2012.   Today tubai is the largest tool maker in Austria.

The company has operated in Wuppertal since 1919 and is still going strong.