Thursday, April 9, 2020

Pennsylvania Railroad Calendars

1946, 100 years 1846-1946 Artist, Frank Reilly
 The Pennsylvania Railroad billed itself as "The Standard Railroad of the World" in the early part of the 20th century. In order to publicize the company they produced a series of advertising calendars featuring the paintings of Grif Teller and others. The paintings were generally 18 x 24", first done in charcoal, when management approved the concept, the painting was done. The program ran from 1925 to 1958. 
 These images came from the book Visions of the Pennsylvania Railroad by the Penn Central Corporation, 1992.
1956 Dynamic Progress Artist, Grif Teller

1931 Giant Conquerors of Space and Time Artist, Grif Teller

1943 Serving the Nation Artist, Dean Cornwell.
1954 Pittsburgh Promotes Progress Artist, Grif Teller

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