Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Welland Canal-sized cargo carrier proposal

Here's a detailed technical drawing for a Welland Canal-sized lake cargo carrier. The 260 foot length would indicate the era of the third canal, constructed in 1887 and in use till 1931. Interestingly, there is neither a company name of a date evident so who was proposing this for who?  

From;  A distinctive type of vessel was developed for use in the inland canal system. The Great Lakes "canaler", a bulk carrier that is literally a self-propelling barge, with machinery at the stern and navigating bridge up forward, had a long, almost box-shaped cargo hold between. The "canalers" using the third canal had a maximum length of 79.9 m (262 feet) and could carry as much as 2,700 tonnes (3,000 tons). Larger ships were also built to sail from the Lakehead (Lake Superior) to Port Colborne where their 13,500 tonnes (15,000 tons) of cargo were transferred to several small "canalers". However, it soon became evident that these larger vessels should be able to move into the lower lakes and, between 1907 and 1912, plans were made for enlarging the canal once more. That canal opened in 1931 and is still in use today.

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