Friday, January 2, 2015

Casige toy sewing machine

Above, a toy sewing machine I picked up somewhere along the way.

Carl Sieper founded a piano lock-making company in Germany in the 18th century.  The origins of the company were celebrated in its logo, an eagle holding a key. The company name was derived from the first two letters of his Christian and surnames and of the town of Gevelsberg where the company was located:  Carl Siper Gevelsberg.   

At the turn of the century, his grandson saw a potential in making cheap, small sewing machines for schools. He landed a contract in 1902 and expanded into other toys.  The company persisted until 1975.

The sewing machine I own was clearly made after the war, when Germany was occupied and divided into different zones from 1945 to 1949.  Located in what is now the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Gevelsberg was in the British Zone.

I am indebted to the Sewalot site for the historical information above.

1 comment:

Mister G said...

What a beautiful piece!