Saturday, January 3, 2015

Those clever Graphic Designers...

Velocette 1938


The Duke said...

But which is the learner and which the expert?

Anonymous said...

Well, those clever graphic designers had a clever bike as a subject!
The learner is a very indulged young man with his KTS. I suppose a GTP or an MOV wouldn't have quite cut the mustard alongside the KTT.
More Velo porn on a regular basis please!

Mister G said...

I'll do what I can! This post is my favorite so far;

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's an absolute classic, and signed by the boss!
It must have been wonderful to have been an enthusiast with discretionary income in those days...
Morgan were probably one of the last from whom you would get full and courteous replies from the boss. In my files on HUY982 (chassis no P2100, the 1st production Plus Four) are a number of such from Peter Morgan and I treasure them, but not so much as I treasure the car!