Monday, June 5, 2017

Vanished Tool Makers/Brands: Ge Kay

I picked up this stamped steel wrench at a church yard sale.  "Case hardened, rust-proofed."  There's very little information online about this make but appears the logo is from the initials of George Kaufman.  From the hole in the centre, it looks like it was designed to be held together with a machine screw as an automotive set.
Update, a reader sent in pictures of a full set from Ebay. We also found a entry in a 1947 US patent office list.

Still looking for any information about the company.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I recently came to possess a set of these myself. This blog entry is the ONLY information I have been able to turn up about them. Further research into the history of Ge KaY is confounded by the fact that a presumably unrelated George Kaufman was a rather prominent economist, and internet references to him eclipse whatever information might be available about the manufacturer of these wrenches.