Saturday, December 22, 2012

We used to make things in this country. #50: G. Blatchford Organ Co., Galt Ontario

The G. Blatchford Organ Company operated in Galt, Ontario at the turn of the 20th century.  Obviously, in those days, mouse-proof pedals were a feature worth stressing.  

I think mice are rather nice, Their tails are long, their faces small...
R. Aileen Belfry, B. Gertrude Bergey, Erna A. Martin. 
 Across the Country.  Toronto:  The John C. Winston Co. Ltd, 1959.  
Illustrated by Aileen Tyrrell Richardson.

1 comment:

grandpa&grandma said...

I have a picture of all the mother goose characters done by Ailee Tyrrell Richardson it has given many memories and would like to find out more about her