Saturday, February 2, 2013

Find the Counterfeit!

Below, two examples of Canadian bills.  Which one represents a counterfeit?

From The Counterfeit Detective.  Crime in Your Community.  Published by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 1965.

As an aside, the British American Bank Note Company made many beautiful steel engravings for their notes.  The bucolic scene on the bank note featured above shown above is entitled "Sundown" and was produced in 1877.   Click on the link above to see more examples of their work.  The company also produced  currency for Canadian Tire!

1 comment:

The Duke said...

The top example is the counterfeit. Unfortunately, the scanned images do not do justice to the originals, where the differences are more pronounced and the clarity of detail produced by steel engraving on the genuine note is much easier to discern.