Sunday, May 28, 2017

We used to make things in this country. # 260: McGraw-Edison (Canada) Ltd., Oakville, Ontario

My McGraw-Edison "Power House" 1/4" electric drill.  It's a rather ugly, snub-nosed tool, but it still works well.

McGraw-Edison Co. was created by the 1957 acquisition by McGraw Electric Co. (founded by Max McGraw in 1900) of Thomas A. Edison Industries (founded in 1911).

The Bersted Manufacturing Corporation of Chicago was bought by McGraw-Edison in 1926.  Apparently, in the U.S., the Bersted Division tools were made in Boonville, Missouri.  In 1972, McGraw-Edison bought G.W. Murphy Industries which had previously acquired the Portable Electric Tools, Inc.  In the early 1980's, McGraw-Edison sold their power tool division to Deco Enterprises of St. Louis, Missouri.  McGraw-Edison was itself acquired by Cooper Industries not long afterwards.

McGraw-Edison's Oakville, Ontario location also made "Toastmaster" electric kitchen products.


Unknown said...

Does anyone know where I might find parts for my Macgraw Edison model 76100-a. I need any attachments and blades made for this tool.

Anonymous said...

The Bersted division also made "Eskimo" and other brands of electric fans for drug and dime stores.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! More things to look for at antique markets!